Volumetric launches Ficusului Residential at tIMOn

On the 14th of october, the “Volumetric Group” Developer has initiated the construction of the 12 apartment condominum placed north of the Capital, on Ficusului Avenue. This recent  investment is the first one out of a series of similar projects which the group is planning to develop in the coming years in Romania.

Ficusului Residential was launched for the first time at the National Real Estate Fair (tIMOn, on 16th -19th of october 2014, taking place at Constitution Square). Volumetric Group is very well known in Romania for its Privilegio Brașov residential properties. The management of this new project is divided between the RealTime company, in charge of the development management, and Vitalis, in charge of the technical project management. In terms of numbers, the investment costs up to 1.55 million euro.

Placed on Ficusului Avenue, the condominium is protected from the noise and from the crowding specific to the near congested business area in north of the Capital. All the important objectives are a few hundred meters away: Herăstrău Pak, Air Station Avenue, Băneasa Market Square and the main means of transport (trams and buses).

“Ficusului Residential is our pilot project aimed for Bucharest and we intend it to be the first out of a long series of similar projects. We believe in Romania and we plan long term projects here. I am happy to have found a trustful partner in RealTime, because we will work together for a long time from now on”, says Jordi Sans Domenech, President of the European Real Estate Division  of the Volumetric Group.

Ficusului Residential was planned especially for young families, with or without children, and it has 12 apartments with two, three and four rooms, but also a duplex type penthouse. The apartments’ total surfaces are ranged between 81.5 and 333 square meters. Situated at the 3rd level floor, the penthouse also benefits of a loft area (attic) which comes along with the property. The first penthouse level has a 163 square meters total built surface, whilst the second level (the loft) is about 94 square meters. In addition, the apartment has 2 terraces of 47 square meters, respectively 100 square meters.

A few technical details: the structural frame is made out of reinforced concrete, while the brickwork (including the separating interior walls) is made out of Porotherm bricks. The sheetrock has been totally avoided, except for the ceilling lining. Both the interior and the exterior are thermal insulated.

The detached apartments are efficiently placed, while at the basement level depositation rooms with surfaces ranged between 4.43 square metres and 7.70 square meters can be found. There are 14 parking spaces in the property’s yard and Ficusului Residential properties are sold in a “gray” stage in order to allow the buyer to personalize the look of its apartment. The apartments are equipped with individual heat stations, mounted radiators for the heating system, screed stage floors, the walls are plastered and painted with white washable paint, the PVC exterior woodwork has tripan window glass, with an exterior metalic door, electrical and plumbing systems, and air conditioning features.

The lowest price for a Ficusului Residential apartment is 109.300 euro plus VAT. Throughout the tIMOn period the developer offers a 5% discount and the mentioned prices are eligible only for the “gray” version apartments.

The neighbourhood history

The existing housing in Băneasa neighbourhood mainly date from the 80s. Appart from other Bucharest neighbourhoods where demolished houses have been replaced with buildings of eight to ten or more floors, the comunist authorities of the time preserved here, near the Băneasa airport and the former aeronautic industrial platform,  some of the existing constructions.

The “comunist” buildings arround the neighbourhood are low heighted constructions, with three or four levels, but also a series of five to seven constructions, with a distinctive architecture especially noticeable at the framing of the roofs of certain buildings. In that period, 2.240 apartments were built in Băneasa neighbourhood.

Contact details:
Cristina Rosca
Managing Partner

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